Raven Advisory LLC purchases Gryphon Group
Fayetteville, NC Dec. 21, 2020 - Raven Advisory LLC, today noted the announcement of purchasing Gryphon Group LLC, located in Maxton, North Carolina, adjacent the Laurinburg/Maxton Airport. Major General (Retired) Ed Reeder, and board member had this to say: "With the most recent acquisition of the Gryphon Group by Sheffield Ford, and Raven, they will now provide the most comprehensive training venues with world-class facilities to both the domestic and international military organizations and law enforcement agencies. They will also provide centuries of combat-proven military leadership, and experience that is unparalleled in this business."
The facility is 40 miles from Ft. Bragg. Raven will be taking over a 700-acre facility, used for scenario-based training, to include UAS, Counter UAS, access to airport, cyber security, 2400 Meter Sniper Range, scenario-based medical training, All Surveillance Capabilities/Courses, including UTS, off road mobility, 5 miles of concrete mobility training course, shoot house, explosives training, ATV License 7, 10, 20, signature reduction, capture avoidance, multiple ranges, and much more.
CEO and President of Raven Advisory Retired Special forces Officer Sheffield Ford said "We are overly excited about the opportunity of purchasing Gryphon Group, we believe that Raven's resources, expert team, and knowledge, paired with Gryphon's location, and facility will allow us to be extremely competitive."
SOURCE Raven Advisory